Break-ups can be super pesky life events with ramifications that go well beyond the fact that a partner is absent and some your life has just changed course. Recovering from a break-up or healing a broken heart can have an impact on your health. caring for your body after your break-up is a VITAL part of your recovery. Stress, for instance, is known to lower immunity and lead to disruptions such as loss of sleep or appetite. Grief is known to trigger impulsive behaviors such as excessive drinking or an increased need for sleep. Negative physical impacts such as illness, weight gain, or an onset of depression can exacerbate an already less-than-ideal experience, so it is a good idea to take extra care of your body right now.

Because food can help or hurt during times like this I have previously posted a list titled “What to Eat During Your Break-up” that covers everything from breakfast to dessert and everything in between. I’m following up here with a few more tips on looking after your body when recovering from a break-up to help you come out of this icky time ready to take on the world.


Tips for caring for your body after your break-up:

  • Do not forget to UP your water intake right now. The healing properties of staying properly hydrated are going to be even more noticeable during this time. You may be surprised how easy it is to forget to do the things you don’t normally think too much about when your mind is so consumed with feelings of grief and stress. Put special attention to making sure that water bottle gets its normal use and then some.
  • Get into bed earlier and try to be up at your regular times. Because emotions are all over the place after a break-up, your body will require more sleep right now, and it’s best to get in the extra time at night rather than sleeping in. As for the weekends, some people find it easier to sleep away the days in the initial weeks after splitting from a partner. If this sounds tempting to you, perhaps give yourself a couple of weeks or a set amount of time to indulge in the covers before returning to normal.
  • Pair a conscious diet with simple but beneficial movement for even more accelerated healing. Try a yin yoga class or a brisk walk on your favorite outdoor trail. Think of your ‘negative’ emotions as energy flowing out of your body as it moves. Use the time to mentally process what has happened and to show your body how much it is loved.
  • Go out of your way to inject good vibes into your system right now. Try out some guided meditations. Create a fun playlist of empowering and energizing music to get you going each morning. Post affirmations in your apartment. Keep the good vibes going and the rest will follow.

You’ve got this. xo

Would you like more support caring for your body after your break-up or figuring out how to move past some of your pain? Please reach out to me to hear about my break-up coaching options.

Photo by Tess Mol on Unsplash

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