Work with me
A lot of people experience the following during/after a break-up:
- Lack of direction
- sadness and crying spells
- feelings of despair
- confusion
- obsessive thoughts
- lack of motivation
- anger
- boredom
- loneliness.
Sound familiar? All of these symptoms are completely normal, and it’s important that you talk it out and find support (from someone OTHER than your ex!). One thing that helps is to make sure and surround yourself with positive company from people who will bolster you up and encourage you onward.
Friends are so important during this time, and in the initial weeks of a break-up they can lend a caring ear and a few warm hugs. The tricky part is making sure that our friends don’t become burdened with constant conversations about our ex-partners and a version of ourselves that is always sad.
What is a break-up coach?
Besides the fact that working with a coach helps you to take the burden off your personal relationships in the break-up aftermath, it gives you a place to explore practical solutions to overcoming what is keeping you ‘stuck’. Some people hit walls when it comes to getting past the multitude of hurt feelings and life complications that follow a break-up, and it takes a lot more than talking it out to find effective answers.
When I got divorced I made it a personal mission to figure out the best ways to use the experience for personal growth and development. I’ve had more than one sad break-up since then, and each one has taught me new things about how to best face the situation (and a few ideas about what NOT to do!).
I offer one-on-one coaching via Skype and email. Please email me here and let me know what your current support needs are and I will be in touch with a few options.

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© 2019 Broken Heart Repair Kit
Created by Kate Hall Creative